
User Guide


Duke is a simple and friendly Task Manager for any user who prefers the CLI. Read below to see how you can get Duke to help you better manage your daily tasks! ^-^

Add Tasks

Duke classifies your tasks into Deadline, Event and Todo.

Find Tasks

Duke helps you find the task containing a keyword or key phrase.

Update Tasks

For the respective types of task, you can choose to make changes.

List Tasks

Duke shows you an overview of all the tasks you have to complete with one simple command. A task is printed in the format: [Task Type(D/E/T)][Done Status(Y/N)] <Task Description> (Time and Date)


Deadline - Adds a Deadline to the Task List

Deadline command format: Deadline <Deadline Description> /by DD/MM/YYYY HHMM

Example of Usage:deadline Complete CS1234 Assignment /by 23/9/2019 2359

Expected outcome: [D][N] Complete CS1234 /by Mon, 23 Sep 2019 11:59PM

Event - Adds an Event to the Task List

Event command format: Event <Event Description> /at DD/MM/YYYY HHMM

Example of Usage: event Food Festival /at 16/7/2019 1730

Expected outcome: [E][N] Food Festival /at Tue, 16 Jul 2019, 05:30PM

Todo - Adds a Todo to the Task List

Todo command format: Todo <Todo Desription>

Example of usage: todo Buy Toothpaste

Expected outcome: [T][N] Buy Toothpaste

List - Lists All Items on the Task List

Example of usage: list

Expected outcome:\ Here are the items on your list:\ 1. [D][N] Complete CS1234 /by Mon, 23 Sep 2019 11:59PM\ 2. [E][N] Food Festival /at Tue, 16 Jul 2019, 05:30PM\ 3. [T][N] Buy Toothpaste

Delete - Deletes Task

Delete command format: delete <TaskNo>

Example of usage: delete 2

Expected outcome: \ Noted. I've removed this task:\ 2. [E][N] Food Festival /at Tue, 16 Jul 2019, 05:30PM\ Now you have 2 tasks(s) in the list.

Done - Marks Task as Done

When a task is not done, the task is marked with [N]. When a task is done, it is marked with [Y].

Done command format: done <TaskNo>

Example of usage: done 3

Expected outcome: \ Nice! I've marked this task as done:\ 3. [T][Y] Buy Toothbrush

Find - Finds Task in Task List with Matching Keyword/Phrase

Find command format: Find <Keyword/Key Phrase>

Example of usage: find Food

Expected outcome:\ Here are the matching tasks in your list:\ 1. [E][N] Food Festival /at Tue, 16 Jul 2019, 05:30PM

Update - Updates Task Details

Update command format: update | <TaskNo> | <UpdateType> | <UpdateInfo>

To update task description, enter: update | <TaskNo> | desc | <NewDescription>

Example of usage: update | 3 | desc | Buy Toothbrush

Expected outcome:\ Got it. Your task is now updated as:\ 3. [T][N] Buy Toothbrush

To update task date*, enter: update | <TaskNo> | date | <NewDate in DD/MM/YYYY format>

Example of usage: update | 2 | date | 15/7/2019

Expected outcome:\ Got it. Your task is now updated as:\ 2. [E][N] Food Festival /at Mon, 15 Jul 2019, 05:30PM

To update task time*, enter: update | <TaskNo> | time | <NewTime in HHMM format>

Example of usage: update | 1 | time | 0900

Expected outcome:\ Got it. Your task is now updated as:\ 1. [D][N] Complete CS1234 /by Mon, 23 Sep 2019 09:00AM

*Only for Deadline and Event items.

Help - Lists Command Format

If you forget the commands when using the application, you can always type help to refer to the formats for the above commands.